Friends of Grange
Parental Involvement
All parents of children at Grange Primary School are automatically members of Friends of Grange (‘FOG’) our school PTA. We have an active PTA who raise money specifically for the children at Grange through annual events such as the Summer Fair, International Food Bazaar, Book Fair and Christmas Fair. The PTA cannot function without the support and participation of the parents and welcome help of any kind. If you wish to have more information about this association or to help out at some of their events, please speak to a member of staff in the school office. Regular coffee mornings and meetings are held during each term to discuss and plan for forthcoming events, etc.
We will invite you to share in various fundraising activities throughout the course of the year. We hope you will enjoy them and help us to raise money, which will be spent in a variety of ways to support and enhance the school’s facilities.
A group of parent helpers come into school regularly to provide valuable assistance with a variety of activities. Volunteers for this are always warmly welcomed. For longer periods of voluntary work in school, legislation requires that all adults working with children undergo a criminal records check through the Disclosure and Barring Service, which will be arranged through the school.