Learning together. Respecting each other. Achieving our potential.


Headteacher’s Welcome

Dear Grange Community

Welcome to our school which is a home of great learning and progress. Each day we aim to build the Confidence and Consideration levels of each child through the power of education. We call this our GRANGE CC WAY (look out for our CC salute and CC walking). We are a school that believes in Inclusion which means accepting and respecting each individual member of our community for who they are and as they are.

*We believe that Kindness is strength

*We believe that; Diversity is Wealth

*We believe that true strength is strength of character

*We believe in the ability to fix up mistakes, learn from them and get back on track

*We believe in restorative practice

*We believe that the purpose of education is to guide children towards actualising their potential for themselves and making a meaningful contribution to society and our planet

These core beliefs define our school and make Grange a unique, kind, caring and powerful school.  You can find out more about us by looking at the website and browsing through the videos on the Grange Primary Harrow YouTube channel and by following us on Twitter and Instagram.

We strive to make the difference in children’s lives by helping each and every one of our children make good  progress in their learning and character development; helping them to develop powerfully positive habits of learning and deep reservoirs of knowledge.

We use the ClassCharts app to help share with you the affirmation of children succeeding in their behaviour and work with you when children need help to develop better behaviour choices.

We seek to provide a curriculum full of opportunity to enhance deep thinking, curiosity and ignite interest and to provide children with the opportunity to experience success through perseverance and character strength.

Our Staff are always planning and training to be ready for the educational opportunities that come our way every day. We are always happy to greet you and the children for the start of a school day and when we see you at pick-up time. We want to see great teaching and learning and we want Parents and Carers to be significantly involved.

There are a few important items for you to note:

  1. We have 2 entrances to the school and we aim to facilitate drop-off and pick-up on both sides except for the Nursery and Reception children who we feel need their parents to support them by picking them up on the Welbeck Road side. We do not have the safe capacity for parents and carers to get from one entrance to the other through the school so please plan accordingly. Afterschool clubs pick up (including breakfast club and afterschool club) are from the Welbeck side outside the dining hall.
  2. School meals are cooked fresh in school every day and served hot by a company that values exciting and innovative ways to improve health and ways to engage children in healthy choices and lifestyles. We do hope that you see the benefits of the menu and approach. We encourage you to take up our school meals and constructive feedback is always valuable. That feedback can be addressed to myself via the office.
  3. We want to get as many Parents and Carers involved as possible this year. Ms Joshi will be working with Parents and Carers to set up the renewed Grange PTA and we ask you to please look out for opportunities to join in the events and committee meetings. Please ask the office for details.

Most importantly, Grange is staffed by caring, dedicated and passionate staff who aspire and strive to make a difference in children’s lives. We explicitly state that we learn from our mistakes and we believe in the power of restoration and personal development. We say: Be Great; Be Grange!

Best Wishes and welcome to Grange

Daniel Kerbel
Grange Headteacher since 2018

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020 8422 5070

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