Learning together. Respecting each other. Achieving our potential.


Statement of Principles for Behaviour


Rationale and Purpose

This statement has been drawn up in accordance with the Education and Inspections Act 2006, and DfE guidance (Behaviour and discipline in schools: Guidance for governing bodies, 2012)).

Governors consulted with staff, parents, pupils and senior leaders as part of the process of drawing up the statement.

The purpose of this statement is to provide guidance for the Headteacher in drawing up the Behaviour Policy at Grange Primary School so that it reflects the shared aspirations and beliefs of governors, staff and parents for the children in the school, as well as taking full account of law and guidance on behaviour matters. It is intended to help all school staff to be aware of and understand the extent of their powers in respect of discipline and sanctions and how to use them. Staff should be confident that they have the Governor’s support when following this guidance.

This is a statement of principles, not practice: it is the responsibility of the Headteacher to draw up the Behaviour Policy though she or he must take account of these principles. The Headteacher is also asked to take account of the guidance in DfE publication Behaviour and Discipline in Schools: a guide for Headteachers and school staff (January 2016).

The Behaviour Policy must be publicised, in writing, to staff, parents/carers and children each year. It must also appear on the school’s website.


Every child understands they have the right to feel safe, valued, cared for and respected, and learn free from the disruption of others.

Grange primary school is an inclusive school; all members of the school community should be free from discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010.

Children have varying needs and backgrounds and some pupils may need additional support to meet the behaviour expectations of the school. The school will fulfil its’ legal duties in respect of safeguarding children with special educational needs and all vulnerable children.

It is expected that all adults – staff, volunteers and governors – will set excellent examples to the children at all times.

We seek to give every child a sense of personal responsibility for his/her own actions. Children are actively encouraged to make good choices about their own behaviour.

The school’s Behaviour Policy will ensure that there are measures to encourage good behaviour, self-discipline and respect, and prevent all forms of bullying amongst pupils.

Rewards, sanctions and reasonable force are used consistently by staff, in line with the behaviour policy. The school’s Behaviour Policy will clearly reflect the school’s approach to exclusions.

Where there are significant concerns over a pupil’s behaviour, the school will work with parents to strive for common strategies between home and school.

Families are involved in behaviour incidents to foster good relationships between the school and pupils’ home life.

The school will seek advice and support from appropriate outside agencies where concerns arise over a child’s behaviour.

School staff have the ability to screen or search a child where there is a reasonable belief that the child possesses an item that that is prohibited or breaches the school’s policies.

School staff have the power to use ‘reasonable force’ and other physical contact to control inappropriate behaviour when it becomes necessary. Governors expect that appropriate staff have undergone necessary training. The Behaviour Policy should define ‘reasonable force’.

Children are expected to display the high standards of behaviour required at school when they are representing the school off-site at school-related events and visits, when they are travelling to and from school. We are all ambassadors for Grange.


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