KS1 and KS2 National Assessment
There are National Assessments in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6.
In Year 1 your child will sit a phonics assessment to identify which phonic patterns your child can recognise and read.
In Year 2 your child will have their first SATs assessment. The tests in Year 2 consist of a set of assessments conducted by your child’s class teacher in reading, writing (spelling and handwriting), and maths (number, shape, space, measurement). Your child’s teacher will set short pieces of work in English and maths to judge what level of ability your child is considered to be working at.
In Years 3, 4 and 5 we use our own internal teacher assessment supported by STAR assessments in Reading and Maths. This helps teachers to assess children’s progress and results will be shared with parents during Parents evenings and in the End of Tear Reports.
In Key Stage 2 in year 6, aged 11, your child will sit further Nationally reported SATs tests. These SATs tests are more formal and consist of timed papers in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Maths. The papers (with the exception of writing which is marked and moderated in school) are sent away for marking and the results are known before children leave primary school in July. These test results will also be reported in your child’s end of term report.
KS1 & KS2 Tests- videos for parents