Learning together. Respecting each other. Achieving our potential.



Summer Term 2

Our new topic for the Summer Term is “Transport“.

Summer Term 1

Dear parents,

Please have FREE access on eBOOKS during lockdown on OXFORD OWLS.

It Is an excellent resource for practising READING with your child.

You just need to Register as a parent for free access.




























Our new topic for the Summer Term is “Dinosaurs”.  Please take a look at our Reception Dinosaur challenge video.  We look forward to hearing about your research and to seeing some of your writing, pictures and models.

Reception  2D Maths Video You Tube  20.4.20

Practice your words

Don’t forget to send your answer to the challenge and a photo of your own 2D shapes that you make and label to reception@grange.harrow.sch.uk.


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