Learning together. Respecting each other. Achieving our potential.


Religious Education

RE Intent 

At Grange Primary school, we follow the Harrow Agreed Syllabus for RE and aim to contribute to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils.

The intention is to ensure that the RE curriculum will engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore and develop an understanding of the different religious and non-religious beliefs, values and traditions.

Through this learning, they will be able to show sensitivity and respect for the beliefs and practices of others and in particular those whose faith and beliefs may differ from their own, across our multicultural society.

The pupils will know how religious education promotes judgement and enables pupils to deal with prejudice, allowing them to join in and contribute positively to society.

Grange Primary School – Religious Education Overview 

Religious Education Journey at Grange

RE Assessment for age-related expectations by year group EYFS – KS2 (A – E)

Widening Diversity: Harrow agreed syllabus of religious education 2023-2028



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