Dear Parents and Carers,
Acting on feedback
We value your feedback and use it to continually improve our school. Many of you have said you would appreciate more rigorous homework so we have revisited our homework policy and practice. Your time and interest in what your child does at school is very important and shows that you care about their learning and development. Homework supports and consolidates the work your child is doing in school and it also gives you a chance to become involved in the learning process.
Renewed homework strategy
Class teachers will set weekly homework on Literacy Planet and Mathletics. In addition, we have devised a homework overview sheet which will be sent home each half term and outlines activities that you can and should be doing with your child continuously to help them make progress in their learning. You will see that there are tasks related to rote-learning facts such as times tables or vocabulary, tasks that involve acquiring knowledge and wider research around a topic and tasks that involve practising of skills they have learnt in school.
Knowing what your child is learning
Many of these tasks relate to ‘knowledge organisers’. Knowledge organisers will be sent home at the start of every new topic in English, Maths, Humanities and Science. They are a double sided document which contain all of the knowledge that all pupils should acquire for that topic by the end of the unit. We are sharing these with parents in place of the curriculum leaflets so that you are fully aware of what your child is learning at each point in time and which means you can support as much as possible from home. For maths, we are also aiming to have accompanying videos on the website which will demonstrate the methods we teach at school. There are already videos available to support with phonics. Children will be assessed at the end of each unit against the information on the knowledge organisers.
In addition to this, there will be one topic based homework per term. One term will be based on Humanities, one on Science and one Art & DT.
If you have any questions about any of the above or would like to discuss it further, please arrange a meeting with a member of SLT.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Watson
Deputy Headteacher