Learning together. Respecting each other. Achieving our potential.


School Uniform

All Grange children wear their school uniform including Reception children as we want our children to feel proud of themselves and their school. Smart and correct uniform plays a big part in giving a child a sense of belonging and identity.

All items except for the Grange Jumper and cardigan are available at supermarkets and clothing shops selling children’s clothes

For the Grange jumper/cardigan:

School uniform can be ordered online from My Clothing; (a delivery charge is payable) or purchased directly from Angels Uniforms in Rayners Lane.
Angels Uniforms – Rayners Lane, Middlesex HA5 5EH. Tel 020 8866 9972
To order your school uniform items online from My Clothing, please follow this link: https://myclothing.com/

There are limited number of pre-owned uniform items available. Please enquire with the main office for further details – 020 8422 5070

School uniform consists of:
• Grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore – can be worn with grey, black or white socks, tights or leggings to the ankle – (leggings are not allowed by themselves).
• Grey or black shorts or skirt with grey, black or white socks, tights or leggings.
• White shirt, blouse or polo shirt (with or without logo).
• Blue check dress with grey, black or white socks, tights or leggings (no other colours or patterns).
• Blue Grange Logo Cardigan or Jumper.
• Black, white or blue headscarf with no embellishments.
• Black leather shoes or completely black trainers (no white soles or logos).

        Please remember to mark all uniform with your child’s name

We work in partnership with all members of our community and we foster a spirit of mutual respect and understanding for religious and cultural beliefs. We therefore request that when headscarves are worn they are black, white or blue with no embellishments and are of a length that does not present a health and safety risk. Please remember that the children will be participating in physical activities involving a range of apparatus and equipment.

PE Uniform
PE (Physical Education) is an important part of the National Curriculum, and it requires appropriate clothing. The children should bring their PE kit to school in a separate, named drawstring bag. The necessary clothing and footwear are:
• White T-Shirt
• Dark blue or black sports shorts/track suit bottoms
• Sports trainers/plimsolls for outdoor PE
• Plimsolls for indoor PE
• Dark blue track suit or jumper and leggings for cold weather 

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